Outliner Software


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Writing Outliner is now signed again

Posted in: Outliner Software by Edwin on January 27, 2024 | 2 Comments

The Writing Outliner installer file and all files installed by the installer are now digitally signed.

This should solve the installation issue some users experienced – they couldn’t see the Writing Outliner tab after installed it into Word.

User interface enhancements of the upcoming new version

Posted in: Outliner Software by Edwin on May 10, 2017 | 5 Comments

Before I say something else, let me show you two screenshots.

1 – The more intuitive, re-organized “Project Manager” pane. You know, I often receive emails from WritingOutliner users asking about “where is my project file?

2 – The new dedicated Search tab (the search results display will no longer interfere the project outline display):

MS Word document full text seach - addin

If you are an existing WritingOutliner user you must have noticed other enhancements, but please noted this is a work in progress.

If you are familiar with WritingOutliner, you must know that WritingOutliner didn’t get enough updates in recent years, despite that have shown several plans, but that doesn’t produce good results (including the WordOutliner project).

Good news?

So what good news I can tell you this time? There are other reasons I don’t want to go into details now, but the failed attempts in the past years mostly because I myself did NOT use WritingOutliner itself. But now that has changed. That’s why the real software updates is happening now 🙂 And yes, 64bit will be supported too.

Some recent WritingOutliner enhancements – 2017 Jan

Posted in: Outliner Software by Edwin on January 2, 2017 | 6 Comments

I know this blog’s been silent recently. So here is the first news: The development version of WritingOutliner supports All recent Windows 8 and 10 now, but it’s not ready to be released.

Below shows some work-in-progress enhancements to the WritingOutliner.

Enhanced project file list view of the Welcome pane – if you are an existing user you can see the difference – it’s more clean, modern but conveys more info 🙂



2016 Sep WritingOutliner status update

Posted in: Outliner Software by Edwin on September 2, 2016 | 3 Comments

Dear WritingOutliner users,

I know some of they are not satisfied with the WritingOutliner development in recent years, for reasons such as WritingOutliner not working with the latest Word, etc.

All your questions will be answered.

Please head over to https://truesimplesoft.com/announcing-the-new-homepage-and-blog-for-writingoutliner-word-add-in/

I wish you keep your faith on WritingOutliner, I do and always do. 🙂


WritingOutliner development update (2015 Jan)

Posted in: Outliner Software by Edwin on January 2, 2015 | 1 Comment

After upgraded the WritingOutliner to use the latest version of my development tool, this outliner software now works with 64bit version of Word 2010/2013, and should be much more Unicode-compatible, but for some unknown reasons it is noticeable slower than the old version, and now I’m trying to hunt down the culprit and will fix it.

The rebirth of Writing Outliner: Rewritten software and new website!

Posted in: Outliner Software by Edwin on April 10, 2014 | 22 Comments

the new WordOutliner screenshot

Finally , the first beta test release of the rewritten WordOutliner is available for download!

WordOutliner features, new 64bit Office support, new file-system-as-storage, much better performance and stability, and full Unicode support (means any character/string displaying problem for non-English languages should be gone)!


Head over to the new WordOutliner homepage (all news and updates will happen there from now on).

Or  visit the release notes blog post.


It’s really quite a long time since the rewrite plan has announced.

But you know, rewriting a software is not ease!

Especially when I also have been working on a new product called LIVEditor! (hint: ask me for a discount, if you are interested :))

Although a lot of features exist in the old Writing Outliner have NOT been implemented in the new WordOutliner yet , this  beta 1 release can really be seen as a milestone of the development.

You’ll see more frequent updates, as I’ll follow a ‘release early, release more’ paradigm.

If you are an existing user of Writing Outliner, you’ll get a new license key for the first stable release of WordOutliner become available.

Again: if don’t own a Writing Outliner license yet,  buy Writing Outliner today and you ALSO get the new WordOutliner license when it’s out of beta.

News about WordOutliner – the ‘rewritten Writing Outliner’

Posted in: Outliner Software by Edwin on January 20, 2014 | 6 Comments

Update 1 (Jan 29, 2014): a little delay of the beta version release, need to get the new website up first.

Update 2 (March, 2014): I’ve done the new website (that was a lot of work), But regarding the new software there is one thing I did not expect originally – Microsoft has removed the ‘Single Word Window mode’ in Word 2013 (means there is no more ‘show all windows in the taskbar’), but I took for granted this can’t happen… So I need to change the new WordOutliner to adapt for it and it’s taking a little more time… Thanks for your patience, my friends!

Some updates about the ‘rewritten Writing Outliner’ (will be called WordOutliner, in case you didn’t know yet, WordOutliner will be much well-designed, and it’ll use the more open file system instead of SQLite databases as the document storage) .


Note: all existing and new customers will GET the new WordOutliner for free!

So buy Writing Outliner now.


The new name

The name of the ‘rewritten Writing Outliner’ will be WordOutliner – outliner software for (MS) Word .

The new website

The website will be moved to getoutliner.com (not very soon).  And, well, considering the new name above, I’m suggesting you’ll find XXXOutliner(s) on that new website in the future 😉 but I can’t reveal any details yet.

The ETA of the first beta of WordOutliner

The beta test version of WordOutliner should be able to be available for download by the end of this month (means before the lunar new year in my country),  I’m currently working on the ability of importing *.woproj files (the Writing Outliner project files) into WordOutliner.

But please note that, the corkboard and full text search functions (of Writing Outliner) will NOT be available the first beta release of WordOutliner, these features will be added soon after.

Some sitenotes

It’s been quite sometime since I announced the plan of rewriting Writing Outliner, aside from rewriting a software project itself is quite difficult, I had to (I’ll explain later) working on  another new product (a project that real take a lot of time!) in the past years, and it might be of interesting to some of you, I’ll announce it during the announcement of the first beta release of WordOutliner.


ProjectFolders Pre-beta demo video is now available

Posted in: Outliner Software by Edwin on March 27, 2013 | 14 Comments

I’m writing ProjectFolders – the succeed product of Writing Outliner, due to reasons I stated in this blog (new data storage, improve stability and performance, etc).

I know many of your have been waiting for news about ProjectFolders, and I’m behind my schedule, and I apology, but today I finally have something to show:

This video demo shows what I have right now.

ProjectFolders differs from Writing Outliner in the following manners:

  • All data are open – your files are stored as they are in your hard disk. 
  • Your document are safe, because ProjectFolders will not alter your documents at all – except renaming, copying and moving them across your project folders.
  • ProjectFolders is much faster, because of the new design.
  • ProjectFolders will open your existing Writing Outliner projects.
  • Other differences? You figure them out in the video, I don’t want to let this list grow too much, or you won’t read, will you? 😉

Questions and comments? Why not? That’s why I’m posting the news here in the blog.

And here is a screenshot, but I encourage you to watch the video demo.

ProjectFolders Pre-beta screenshot

News about the succeed product of Writing Outliner – ProjectFolders

Posted in: Outliner Software by Edwin on October 31, 2012 | 22 Comments

It’s a quite a long time  since I announced the plan to revamp Writing Outliner, I finally got some news for you:

  • The software is being completely rewritten, and the name will be changed to ProjectFolders, to reflect its ‘project-based writing’.
  • Your documents will not be stored in SQLITE database anymore, but in a folder in your computer. This is for data security and avoid vendor-locking.
  • For simplicity, all documents will be stored in a centralized folder. This approach has been proven by the famous Dropbox software.
  • ProjectFolders add-in will greatly utilize a tagging system for file management, this approach has been proven by Gmail, EverNote, etc.
  • The metadata (synopses, notes, tags, etc) will still be stored in a SQLITE database, so that these data will be for search-able.
The new design will address the major problems (such as performance and data security) appeared in the current version of Writing Outliner, and suggestions made by current users.

First screenshot below, any comments are welcomed.

PS, I’d like to take this chance to ask my fellow Writing Outliner users, do you think the full text search and index cards in the current version of Writing Outliner very important and must have?

Update 1: Thanks for all the great feedbacks! Answering questions here:

  • ProjectFolders will be able to improve Writing Outliner project files (.woprj).
  • ProjectFolders will fully support unicode .
  • ProjectFolders will be much more stable and more compatible with other Word addins such as Zetero, etc, all after all, this is one of the major issue of Writing Outliner ProjectFolders wants to address.
  • Re. release dates, I’d say beta will be out in less than half of a year, you know, everything is being rebuilt from from ground up. Once the beta is ready, I’ll send email notifications to current users and newsletter subscribers.
  • There will be a version for 64bit MS Word.
  • Re the naming changing, I want it to be more understandable and shows that it’s not only for writers but also for managing project documents.


Worth reading: Pixar’s 22 rules of storytelling

Posted in: Outliner Software by Edwin on June 9, 2012 | 3 Comments

This article is worth reading for story writers:

About storytelling,  22 rules according to Pixar.