Tag Archives: word document manager
DocxManager (WritingOutliner replacement software) Beta Test Invitation
Posted in: Document Manager for Word, Site Builder, Site Generator by Edwin on August 16, 2019
Update on Jan 20, 2020: WritingOutliner will be continued to be developed, and a new version that supports all the new Word 2019/365/2016 has been released!
So if you are a WritingOutliner user, or if you have followed the development of my software, you might already know that I’ve been working on DocxManager and intend to make it the replacement for WritingOutliner.
And now here is the news – DocxManager is in beta test now and invite you to join.
I strongly recommend you to read THIS ARTICLE which briefly describes and software implementation differences and migration steps.
And the release notes page has info about the current feature set of the initial beta test release, which you might want to know before migrating to DocxManager. The following is a screen capture.

DocxManager – the (second) rebirth of Writing Outliner.
Posted in: Book writing software by Edwin on May 20, 2019
Update on Jan 20, 2020: WritingOutliner will be continued to be developed, and a new version that supports all the new Word 2019/365/2016 has been released!
My dear Writing Outliner followers, thanks for the constant attention to my software product.
DocxManager is the second attempt for a software that’s tightly integrated with MS Word. Basically, like Writing Outliner it’s a kind of an outliner, but more importantly, it’s a document manager and a static website generator – yes, generate a professional looking website out of your Word documents!
Here is the new, under-construction website, and here is a screenshot of DocxManager:

In the mean time, I’m working on features like importing exiting Writing Outliner project, and so on, preparing for the release.