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Archive for December, 2022

Writing Outliner version 2.0.53

Posted in: Version History by Edwin on December 17, 2022

What’s new

Import and split a large Word document into Writing Outliner, Writing Outliner can recognize the outline levels in the source Word document and split them accordingly. In other words, the outline in the source Word document will become outline nodes in the target Writing Outliner project.


Other enhancements: several small stabilizations.

Writing Outliner for Word v2.0.52

Posted in: Version History by Edwin on December 15, 2022

What’s new in 2.0.52

This version addressed a long-standing document content loss issue which happens as following:

  • You added a new document and edited the content.
  • You then moved the document to another branch.
  • You close and reopened the project, found that the new document content’s lost and has moved back to its original branch.

Converting from a folder to a document might cause similar issue too, and that also has been fixed. I’m sorry for the inconveniences caused. I’ll keep stabilizing and polishing Writing Outliner.

Other enhancements and fixes:

  • Enhanced: In previous versions the document’s cursor/text selection position information are saved only if you also have edited the document content. Now it’ll always be saved even if you have just browsed the document.
  • Fixed: After converting a node between folder and document, the middle pane didn’t reflex the change until you select another node and switch back.
  • Fixed: An issue introduced in yesteray’s release :Copy and paste a new document then close the project, an error message would pop up.
  • Fixed: Not a big issue, but in rare cases when closing the project an error message might appear causing the failure of updating the “recently used projects” list.
Writing Outliner version

Posted in: Version History by Edwin on December 13, 2022

What’s new

  • Massively simplified the internal structure of the software, resulted in a cleaner, more stable and flexible base for future development.
  • Enhancements:
    • The document is instantly searchable after you manually saved it (in previous versions you’d have to switch to another document before you can search in it).
    • Upgraded the project database system to the latest SQLite.
    • Project loading is faster thanks for more optimized project database operations.
    • Several small user interface enhancements.
    • ‘Copy Project File To…’ menu caption has been changed to ‘Backup Project File…’ so that it’s easier to understand by the users.
  • Issues fixed:
    • When the Word window has no document currently open, pressing [Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn] (for quickly jumping to previous/next document in a Writing Outliner project) will cause error message popping up.
    • Ensure the latest version of the Writing Outliner manual is opened every time you click the Open the Manual button.
    • Changed the keyboard shortcuts for toggling the left/right panes, the old ones no longer work (possibly due to conflicting with new versions of Word).
    • In a situation error message might pop up when Writing Outliner is updating the word/character counts in realtime.