Turning Word into an outliner software, more new screenshots!
Posted in: Book writing software, Outliner Software by Edwin on March 8, 2010
Hi Folks,
I’m finalizing the preparation for the beta test of Writing Outliner Word addin, just now, I have setup a forum for discussion of the beta test process, it will be ready before the 15th of this month, there are some other things to do before that though. In the mean time, please have a look at the new screenshots of this Word addin.
Using Microsoft Word™ as an outliner software
The main screenshot of Window 2003 with a Writing Outliner project opened, doesn’t it look a outliner software 😉
Search your word documents like Google!
Yes! The search function in Writing Outliner is almost as powerful as Google 😉 With it you can instantly find any Word documents. An example search string (search documents that contains phrase ‘New York tims’ and doesn’t contain ‘dontIncludeThisWord’ and have two tags: mytag1 and mytag2 ):
“New York Tims” tag:mytag1 OR tag:mytag2 -dontIncludeThisWord
Browsing Disk Files Inside Word
One of the important idea behind Writing Outliner for Word is: Do all things related to writing in Word with tabs without even leaving Word. And this embedded File Explorer is an example, with it you can easily drag and drop files to import them into the project, or the other way around, drag documents from a Writing Outliner project to export it to the disk. And your can smoothly view your research files on the disk without switching to other windows! The embedded File Explorer is full featured like Windows Explorer!
Easily word document tagging
The document tagging function is very usable, I learnt a lot UI design ideas from Gmail, Actually, I’m a lazy man, I hate unwanted mouse clicks 😉
The blank-project wizard tab
Stay turned, the beta testing starts soon!
Wow! That’s pretty much how I feel about the direction of this program. Is there a limit to how deep the children of the branches go? I mean the child of the child of the child etc.
Comment by Abu Adam on March 8, 2010 at 1:16 pm
I’m glad that you think so, you know, I myself am not a writer, I’m always afraid of heading to the wrong direction… I had a huge mistake before… And this is why I want to the beta test as soon as possible.
As to your question, the answer is no limit to how many level you want your project tree to have, as long as you are comfortable with it 😉
Comment by Edwin Yip on March 8, 2010 at 1:28 pm
That looks impressive! 🙂
Comment by Orkhan on March 8, 2010 at 2:10 pm
Well for someone who isn’t a writer you seem to have hit the right mark. I’ve got a 500 page book to try it out with, so I can hardly wait. Interested to see how ‘compiling’ the separate pieces into a final document works. Now that I think about it, the compilation is another place that you could change the style sheet. You could have a sheet for editing the documents, and a different one for actual output. This would be great for those of us with failing eyesight! A nice big font for work, but a smaller one for the finished print (or an eBook format).
Comment by MuppetGate on March 8, 2010 at 8:00 pm
Hi MuppetGate,
Currently the compilation is quite simple because as you said, I’m not a writer and I’ll need your feedbacks in the beta process 😉 Currently it simply merges all documents that are marked as ‘included in output’ in their hierarchical order, applies ‘HEADING 1’ to the first level headings , ‘HEADING 2’ to the second level headers, and so forth.
Regarding using bigger fonts for writing, maybe I’m wrong, but isn’t what the zooming function designed for?
Thank you.
Comment by Edwin Yip on March 8, 2010 at 8:30 pm
Er…yes. That’s precisely what the zooming function is for! Forget I said it … 😉
And actually, what you have sounds like a nice simple way to do it.
Comment by MuppetGate on March 8, 2010 at 9:48 pm
So in your screen shot above, the Chapter 1 document, just contains a chapter heading?
Comment by MuppetGate on March 8, 2010 at 9:53 pm
@ MuppetGate,
Sorry, I’m not sure what do you mean…
All after all, that’s a quick, dirty sample, it’s not a real life book 😉
Comment by Edwin Yip on March 8, 2010 at 10:03 pm
Don’t worry about it. I’m asking too many questions, when the best thing is to wait until I can play with it!
Comment by MuppetGate on March 8, 2010 at 10:28 pm
For real? 15th of this month?
Long awaited with great anticipation
Comment by John on March 11, 2010 at 9:47 am
Hi John,
Yes, for real. Maybe at the beginning this Word add-in will not meet all your needs, but I think it’s a good start.
Comment by Edwin on March 11, 2010 at 10:36 am
I’m dreaming of the organizational capabilities since you put these screenshots up for existing docs as well as bringing my book together, hopefully, more efficiently and productively.
I’m stunned that MS didn’t do something like this years ago, the closest they ever got was binder, and then they dumped that.
Have a fun weekend polishing off those last bits and pieces 😉
Comment by John on March 11, 2010 at 3:35 pm
Hi John,
I’m not sure if the first version satisfies you but it’ll will be a good start I hope 😉
Comment by Edwin Yip on March 12, 2010 at 9:10 pm
OK, I admit that I’m eager and half a day ahead of you Edwin, though you do say “before” the 15th 😉
Comment by John on March 15, 2010 at 8:22 am
Hi John,
Yes, I did say that, but I’m sorry I couldn’t manage t get it started before 15th, but I’m starting it today on 15th!
Comment by Edwin Yip on March 15, 2010 at 11:37 am
Hi Edwin,
So the download link will be available very soon in any minute today? I am one of those with a lot of expectations for your great idea, and who are very keen to give it a test ride. Come on!
Comment by George on March 15, 2010 at 7:47 pm
[…] Comments George on Turning Word into an outliner software, more new screenshots!Edwin Yip on Turning Word into an outliner software, more new screenshots!John on Turning Word into […]
Pingback by Book Writing Software as a Word addin » Let’s start the BETA test of Writing Outliner Word Add-in! on March 15, 2010 at 8:19 pm
Hi Geoge,
I have just announced the beta test launch of Writing Outliner Word Add-in 🙂
Comment by Edwin on March 15, 2010 at 8:30 pm